Pain Advocacy Coalition Initiative

Pain Advocacy Coalition Initiative

The Pain Advocacy Coalition initiative is dedicated to advocating for changes in healthcare policy by empowering the pain community to advocate for themselves in the era of collaborative tools and social media.

Collaborative Tools and the 21st Century

Collaborative tools are created explicitly to empower people to collectively  define, address and solve their own problems. Thankfully, we live in an age where we can access these tools, overcoming physical and geographical boundaries, to define and successfully crowd-source a solution to a common problem. We will co-operate to amplify our community’s message through e-Advocacy by utilizing collaborative tools.

Grass- Roots Movement

We are actively engaged in collaborating with individuals and advocacy groups in a grass-roots movement to solicit changes to healthcare policy and the negative consequences of the CDC guidelines, and increase the public’s current knowledge base regarding the diagnosis of acute/ intractable pain and the available treatment options, or lack there-of.

We are advocating for a more humane medical approach for those who live with intractable and acute pain.

Join Us

We are a self-funded group unaffiliated with any other organizations or special interests. This project is proposed by pain patients, for pain patients, to empower our community to collaborate effectively. We will work collectively to refute misinformation, raise public and media awareness, and empower ourselves to have a voice in our own healthcare choices.

We will also stand in solidarity with pain management physicians who have served our community in good faith.

Join us!

Even patients who are at a disadvantage in advocating for themselves for obvious reasons can still participate with the help of a caregiver. This vulnerability is an issue that is often exploited, but it is an issue we intend to correct through encouraging the pain community to use collaborative tools and social media platforms.

Our motto is…. “it’s not a conversation about us, without us!”

We believe the healthcare process is inclusive- not exclusive!

The pain community has no other choice but to step out of the stigma shadow, collaborate, refute misinformation, change the narrative, confront policy makers, mainstream media and special interests who are resolved to implement opioid prohibition despite the pain community’s outcry of “foul play!”

It is our mission to equip our community to step up to address the federal and state level discussion about opioids with their legislators, physicians, pharmacists, local communities, third-party administrators, oversight agencies, healthcare providers, and enforcement agencies through the use of technology.

It should be stated that the content and opinions expressed on this website are based solely on each member’s individual research, experience and  opinion. All opinions published on this website are the individual author’s  personal perspective of healthcare issues that are facing the pain community.

We are encouraging patients to research the issues for themselves, draw their own conclusions, and take appropriate action to make their concerns known in their communities by using the very same collaborative tools to refute policy makers who utilize collaborative tools to implement failed policy.

Our commentary should not replace, or be represented as disseminating medical advice to anyone. We are not physicians. If you are seeking medical care or having a medical emergency, we are encouraging you to contact your healthcare provider for individualized medical care or dial 911. Each author contributing to the web site by offering commentary or individual interviews, are merely expressing their individual perspective and opinions in alignment with freedom of expression and the First Amendment.

With that said, we fully recognize the options for patients in pain to gain access to adequate pain relief or access to appropriate mental health services tailored for pain patients are dwindling to few options or none.

eAdvocacy Future

Our future includes looking forward to collaborating with all of you in upcoming online events. We hope you will explore the Call to Action page on this website for more information on how to use collaborative tools to build a solid social media foundation.

Leave us a comment and tell us how you are using collaborative tools to successfully eAdvocate for the pain community!